Thursday, 26 September 2013


Picked up baseboards on Tuesday. Picture shows them coffin ended for transportation.

Sunday, 22 September 2013


The baseboards have been built for me by White Rose Modelworks. I went to visit them yesterday to view progress, and the baseboards are nearly ready for collection. The boards are looking good so far.

The scenic baseboards consist of three boards 1600 mm x 300 mm of which an area 800 mm x 300 mm at either end is used to combine the tracks in the scenic area before returning to the fiddle yard. The scenic section baseboards are 60 mm below track level and the trackbed has been cut out based on the Templot track plan. There is a gap in the trackbed where the bridge is to be positioned.

The fiddle yard baseboards consist of two boards 1200 mm x 600 mm and three boards 1600 mm x 300 mm.

Thursday, 5 September 2013

Templot track plan

Track plan drawn inTemplot and overlaid on aerial photograph.

Same track plan but overlaid on map.

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Site visit

Had a visit to the station today and have taken some photographs.